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Looking for uploaders - Quiz game

  Ayaveen (1) - 1. 12.04.01 22:22:20    

Dear players,

To make the English version more challenging, we are looking for quiz question uploaders currently.
If you can write new horse related questions for the quizgame, feel free to apply! ^^

We don‘t want to add really hard questions, but currently we have very few on the English version :(
If you can help us, just apply in this topic!

All kind of questions are accepted, as long as they are fit for younger audiences and related to the world of horses. (and of course they should be correct)

Thank you in advance!

  Ayaveen (1) 12.04.01 22:22:20    

Dear players,

To make the English version more challenging, we are looking for quiz question uploaders currently.
If you can write new horse related questions for the quizgame, feel free to apply! ^^

We don‘t want to add really hard questions, but currently we have very few on the English version :(
If you can help us, just apply in this topic!

All kind of questions are accepted, as long as they are fit for younger audiences and related to the world of horses. (and of course they should be correct)

Thank you in advance!

  Antoniella (57710) 12.04.04 12:30:53    

I‘d like to help :)
My english isn‘t perfect but if you don‘t mind I could create some questions ;)

  Ayaveen (1) 12.04.04 20:06:09    

That would be nice Antoniella! :D

Thank you very much! I gave you rights for the question upload section. You can add any question you want now. (just make sure they are right XD)

If you visit the quiz, there is a new ‘Add question‘ menu, next to the foal on the books. Be careful, you can‘t edit questions later so make sure you won‘t mix up which one is the right answer :D
(If something goes wrong, you can contact me, and I can manually edit the question for you)

Thank you again!

  Antoniella (57710) 12.04.04 21:57:34    

Okay, I won‘t have much time today but I‘ll be adding some questions in the next days.

No problem, I‘m glad I can help ;)

  Mustangs7 (82477) 14.01.07 20:48:05    

Would this be a good question?
Which horse would not have feathering?
A) Clydesdale
B) Waler (Correct)
C) Gypsy Vanner
D) Jutland

  Gatsby (93016) 15.04.29 04:39:41    

I don‘t know if you are still looking for questions, but here‘s one anyway! :)

Where is a horse‘s poll located?
A) Right above the ancles
B) On the horses head, where the mouth and nostrils are located
C) On top of the back, where the mane ends
D) On top of the horses head, just behind the ears (CORRECT)

  Spirit15 (97538) 16.05.30 07:04:01    

I have a question for the game.

Witch wild horse is native to Australia?

  Viw (5071) 16.06.13 22:11:35    

Just a small note: I added those three questions above (I guess some of the suggesters don‘t even play the game anymore, but it‘s better late than never). However if someone still checks this site and has question ideas for the Quiz, feel free to share them here. ^^

  SweetBerries (98218) 16.07.04 07:09:32    

Hey, I am English I can help, with some more questions.

  horsequeen444 (102278) 18.04.08 22:11:14    

ill help example whitch horse is the tallest horse

  Stormstory (100808) 18.05.28 21:24:38    

I can help as we‘ll i am English
E.g question
Should I groom a horse everyday?
A) yes, because it helps shed dead skin cells and keeping the coat clean
B) no, because it loses vital oils in the coat
C) it depends on the living conditions

  Stormstory (100808) 18.05.28 21:25:59    

(C is correct)

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