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Hokalovi Quiz Game

Choose the best answers:

(ID: 90) What is the reining?
Old western habit, which brushes up the capturing of wild horses
Usually considered the dressage of the western riding world
The horse and rider select and separate a cow out of small herd
Procedure, during which the rider is preparing for rodeo

(ID: 32) Where does the name Quarter Horse come from?
They can walk 10 miles in a quarter of an hour
They have spots that look like quarters
The name of the first official Quarter Horse stallion was Quarter
They‘re the fastest horses in races of a quarter mile or less

(ID: 96) What is this height? 14.2 hands / 58 inches / 147 cm
Mean withers-height of Falabella
The height of a horse or a pony at maturity in Australia
The traditional standard border for height of a horse or a pony
The cutoff limit in western races

(ID: 93) The oldest horse on record is “Old Billy. How long has this English horse lived?
62 years
51 years
56 years
44 years

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