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    Stable - there are 377 horses on this farm [The player has 440 boxes. Free ones: 63]  

B kanca2 39.66 (35)
Speed 305.9 (267)
Gait 170.8 (149)
Teamwork 589.3 (514)
Discipline 208.6 (182)
B kanca2

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
American Thoroughbred
    turn 1.04 years old (gen: 214) ID ID: 1267892

          <3 The mare isn't pregnant    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
Salvatore Mámor díjl3. 5001öp. 4.537 (1)
Speed 5.6212 (1)
Gait 990.928 (227)
Teamwork 2000 (206)
Discipline 2000 (286)
Salvatore Mámor díjl...

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
    turn 30.71 years old (gen: 171) ID ID: 897596

          <3 This horse is a stud stallion (Price: 8000) [2/4]    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
Színpótlónak 1.7776 (0)
Speed 152.477 (0)
Gait 0 (0)
Teamwork 1.111 (0)
Discipline 0 (0)

Tanulékonyság/Docility 25 pt
American Thoroughbred
    turn 11.94 years old (gen: 0) ID ID: 983657

          <3 The mare isn't pregnant    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
RFC Dalton 0 (0)
Speed 0 (0)
Gait 1001.04 (499)
Teamwork 2000 (248)
Discipline 2000 (454)
RFC Dalton

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
    turn 29 years old (gen: 249) ID ID: 1115979

          <3 This horse is a stud stallion (Price: 8000) [0/4]    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
MNC Moonboy 0.011 (1)
Speed 0.013 (0)
Gait 1001.37 (147)
Teamwork 2000 (586)
Discipline 2000 (496)
MNC Moonboy

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
    turn 30.85 years old (gen: 135) ID ID: 1122104

          <3 This horse is a stud stallion (Price: 15000) [0/4]    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
Salvatore Mágus 166.7 (111)
Speed 168.4 (113)
Gait 536.804 (31)
Teamwork 1749.48 (69)
Discipline 2000 (446)
Salvatore Mágus

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
Hungarian sporthorse
    turn 30.04 years old (gen: 220) ID ID: 898878

          <3 This horse is a stud stallion (Price: 7000) [1/4]    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
Salvatore Tekergő 0.305 (1)
Speed 2000 (190)
Gait 504.99 (133)
Teamwork 0.353 (1)
Discipline 2000 (455)
Salvatore Tekergő

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
Hungarian sporthorse
    turn 28.96 years old (gen: 222) ID ID: 904229

          <3 This horse is a stud stallion (Price: 7000) [0/4]    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
Színpótlónak 0 (0)
Speed 0 (0)
Gait 526.445 (1)
Teamwork 1043.4 (1)
Discipline 2000 (1)

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
American Thoroughbred
    turn 30.67 years old (gen: 8) ID ID: 1135742

          <3 Not at stud    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
1700 / 1410 635.605 (527)
Speed 635.605 (527)
Gait 269.46 (224)
Teamwork 159.33 (132)
Discipline 0 (0)
1700 / 1410

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
English thoroughbred
    turn 0 years old (gen: 782) ID ID: 1267855

          <3 Not at stud    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
Salvatore Tequila Díjugr.2. 305.81 (18)
Speed 713.973 (337)
Gait 1110.71 (436)
Teamwork 522.001 (0)
Discipline 45.3792 (19)
Salvatore Tequila Díj...

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
Hungarian sporthorse
    turn 13.13 years old (gen: 223) ID ID: 918551

          <3 The mare isn't pregnant    Zsz. This horse is not for sale

The selexted category has 377 horses.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38]

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