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Hokalovi Quiz Game

Choose the best answers:

(ID: 33) Where does the Knabstrupper come from?
From Germany
From Hungaria
From the US
From Denmark

(ID: 87) Which tools of the followings are allowed in a dressage competition?
Corkscrews; waterfords
Harsher snaffle bits; twisted wire
Double bridles; curb bit with smooth chain
Pelhams; kimberwickes

(ID: 8) Statement: Lipizzaners are grey horses.
False, they are white.
False, there can be other coat colors like bay.
False, they have two variations (black and grey)

(ID: 79) What has Friesian originally used to?
They haven‘t any special reason for breeding
They were the first saddle horse
They were war horses
They were bred for their beauty

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