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Hokalovi Quiz Game

Choose the best answers:

(ID: 7) White horses have ...
red eyes.
dark skin.
white skin.
pink skin.

(ID: 79) What has Friesian originally used to?
They were war horses
They haven‘t any special reason for breeding
They were the first saddle horse
They were bred for their beauty

(ID: 26) What is a medicin hat?
A hat vet carries on their heads.
A sort of halter for horses that have sensitive mouth.
A face marking that gives the horse ears in like brown or black while the neck and face are white.
Something that paint horses has on their head.

(ID: 46) Barrel racing is a ...
part of the rodeo event
missleading name, it‘s not even a race just freestyle riding
western type competition
an english type competition

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