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   offline Offline   |   Last active day: 21.10.03.   |   Joined us: 17.07.05.   |   Top: 33.
ID  ID: 101153
  Turns: 1531629

Quizpoints  Quizpoints: 0
First places  First places: 8403
Bred horses  Bred horses: 4236
Breeding license  Breeding license: -
Race permit  Race permit: -
  • Stable level: 4
  • Pasture level: 4
  • Number of boxes: 110

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RioS 's bloodlines:

Official! ¤ Német Alföld Lovai ¤ Dominant: Crossbred number of horses: 133 collected points: 238 first places: 0 Founded: 19.07.29 14:27:16
Official! ¤ Pesti Gyep Lovai ¤ Dominant: Polo pony number of horses: 104 collected points: 196 first places: 0 Founded: 19.06.29 23:45:06
Official! ¤ Orlovi Sztyeppe Lovai ¤ Dominant: Orlov Trotter number of horses: 272 collected points: 0 first places: 0 Founded: 19.06.24 18:59:33
Official! ¤ Argentína Indián Lovai ¤ Dominant: Falabella number of horses: 258 collected points: 169 first places: 6 Founded: 18.05.21 20:26:15
Official! ¤ Baskír Sztyeppe Lovai ¤ Dominant: Bashkir number of horses: 882 collected points: 819 first places: 28 Founded: 17.09.26 08:35:17
Official! ¤ India Sivatagi Lovai ¤ Dominant: Marwari number of horses: 930 collected points: 719 first places: 75 Founded: 17.08.21 14:12:39
Official! ¤ Türkmén Sivatag Lovai ¤ Dominant: Akhal-Teke number of horses: 1376 collected points: 2593 first places: 558 Founded: 17.07.15 10:32:04
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