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Welcome to the english forums! :)

Official Zone    Official Zone
       You can find the news, announcements and important rules here! You should check this forum!

  Topics: 11
     Please help us to gather more members! Number of posts: 40   |  Author: Ayaveen - 12.03.17 17:16:26
last reply: KatnissEverdeen - 24.12.14 22:22:40
     Hokalovi game rules Number of posts: 2   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 09:30:12
last reply: NovaStarz - 23.11.03 13:33:01
     You don‘t know how to solve your quiz? Just click here! :) Number of posts: 4   |  Author: Ayaveen - 12.03.18 10:24:16
last reply: Shang - 19.04.23 21:14:18
     Looking for uploaders - Quiz game Number of posts: 12   |  Author: Ayaveen - 12.04.01 22:15:48
last reply: Stormstory - 18.05.28 21:25:59
     [CLOSED] Draw the next horse breed Number of posts: 12   |  Author: Ayaveen - 13.07.26 11:48:36
last reply: Spearion - 17.08.14 15:33:13
     [CHANGELOG] Game updates and changes Number of posts: 8   |  Author: Ayaveen - 16.04.18 16:47:37
last reply: Ayaveen - 16.12.01 15:55:22
     Features under development Number of posts: 28   |  Author: Ayaveen - 12.03.16 14:27:29
last reply: Ayaveen - 16.11.26 17:20:58
     [NEW] Drawing competition! Number of posts: 5   |  Author: Ayaveen - 16.09.01 09:15:00
last reply: Ayaveen - 16.10.03 09:26:37
     [NEW] Share your opinions about the Vet! Number of posts: 10   |  Author: Ayaveen - 13.08.29 15:01:03
last reply: SweetBerries - 16.07.06 10:25:22
     Hokalovi on Facebook! Number of posts: 1   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:16:13
last reply: Ayaveen - 12.03.16 15:21:21
     Forum Rules Number of posts: 1   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 09:29:36
last reply: Ayaveen - 12.03.16 15:21:06
Hokalovi Community House    Hokalovi Community House

       Feel free to talk here or share your tips and experiences about hokalovi. You can ask questions too!

  Topics: 9
     Questions: About the game Number of posts: 134   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:18:38
last reply: Rhiannon66 - 24.12.15 21:26:45
     Hokalovi and horse related talk Number of posts: 17   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:23:28
last reply: KatnissEverdeen - 24.12.14 22:09:11
     Breeding, training and gameplay tips for hokalovi horses Number of posts: 31   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:25:36
last reply: Naito - 23.08.25 15:12:05
     Idea zone: what would you change in Hokalovi Number of posts: 30   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:20:29
last reply: Russaria - 23.03.20 10:27:19
     You‘ve achieved something big? Share it here! (toplists, events...) Number of posts: 11   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:26:15
last reply: Rhiannon66 - 23.03.17 03:46:20
     What new breed would you like in game? Number of posts: 11   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:22:50
last reply: SweetBerries - 16.10.02 12:20:46
     Everything related to Hokalovi clubs Number of posts: 3   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:26:40
last reply: LM4ever2day - 16.02.12 22:27:32
     You are looking for entrants? Announce it here! Number of posts: 1   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:27:50
last reply: Ayaveen - 12.03.16 15:34:52
Hokalovi Marketplace    Hokalovi Marketplace

       Game services from players and all sort of sales (Horses, items, graphics... strictly hokalovi related things!)

  Topics: 8
     Horse market - quality foals and horses Number of posts: 64   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:28:47
last reply: DeclanRhys - 24.12.18 19:40:15
     Artworks for sale (graphics, literature...) Number of posts: 3   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:31:00
last reply: Verocs - 19.08.20 22:24:02
     Flea market: itmes, equipments for sale Number of posts: 5   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:30:15
last reply: SweetBerries - 17.08.30 15:08:55
     I‘m looking for: a horse (with given criteria) Number of posts: 16   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:32:02
last reply: Ayaveen - 16.09.01 09:11:26
     I‘m looking for: graphics and other artworks Number of posts: 2   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:32:57
last reply: SweetBerries - 16.08.04 21:19:29
     I‘m looking for: something on the flea market Number of posts: 3   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:32:30
last reply: Spirit15 - 16.05.30 07:44:37
     Auction house: Bids (horses, itmes, graphics, ...) Number of posts: 1   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:29:31
last reply: liptákanna - 15.03.09 15:30:52
Art Corner    Art Corner

       Graphics, literature and other works are welcomed here! Feel free to look around or join the artists! :)

  Topics: 10
     Not horse related literature (poems, novels...) Number of posts: 6   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:42:56
last reply: Syfy - 17.09.23 17:20:44
     Horse related graphics, animations Number of posts: 45   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:43:41
last reply: KatieLovesHorse - 16.12.09 18:27:03
     All sort of graphics and animations Number of posts: 11   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:44:13
last reply: Galabonciás - 16.05.30 21:11:27
     Free to use images, stocks and other resources Number of posts: 4   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:40:49
last reply: Buzzsaw - 16.04.19 09:33:14
     Show off: avatars, profiles Number of posts: 6   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:45:36
last reply: LM4ever2day - 16.03.06 02:22:01
     Horse profiles - Salon Number of posts: 8   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:40:02
last reply: Soreiru - 16.02.04 02:55:06
     Horse related literature (poems, novels...) Number of posts: 1   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:42:13
last reply: Ayaveen - 12.03.16 16:06:13
     Any artwork that doesn‘t fit the other topics :) Number of posts: 1   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:45:05
last reply: Ayaveen - 12.03.16 16:03:10
     User created magazines (related to horses or hokalovi) Number of posts: 1   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:47:08
last reply: Ayaveen - 12.03.16 16:02:18
Offtopic Conversation    Offtopic Conversation

       Anything that isn't closely related to our horse sim game. You can even advertise in the right areas!

  Topics: 9
     World of animals (our pets and favourites) Number of posts: 45   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:53:02
last reply: GraysStillPlays - 24.01.27 02:34:45
     Let‘s count - forum game Number of posts: 363   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:54:06
last reply: OtterLilly - 23.09.11 21:55:43
     Advertisements, news (other sites and stuffs outside of Hokalovi) Number of posts: 9   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:48:27
last reply: bensbuddy - 20.09.17 10:01:40
     Offtopic talks (according to the rules) Number of posts: 41   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:51:00
last reply: Karolina122 - 17.03.10 08:43:37
     Scrabble - forum game Number of posts: 95   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:50:31
last reply: SweetBerries - 16.07.05 15:48:19
     Clickable pets :) Number of posts: 3   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:51:38
last reply: SweetBerries - 16.07.05 13:58:28
     Horse talk Number of posts: 6   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:54:26
last reply: Jody - 13.03.09 09:49:02
     RPG: Informations Number of posts: 1   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:53:44
last reply: Ayaveen - 12.03.17 14:00:24
Reports: bugs, miss typing, players...    Reports: bugs, miss typing, players...

     If you encounter any errors, grammatical mistakes or players who doesn't follow the rules you can report it here!

  Topics: 5
     Bug reports - if something behaves strangely Number of posts: 12   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:55:21
last reply: KingFangRules - 24.01.31 19:22:07
     Miss typings, grammatical errors ... Number of posts: 23   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:56:57
last reply: Cedes - 17.04.22 00:08:26
     [REPORTING] How to report players if they break the rules Number of posts: 1   |  Author: Ayaveen - 16.04.18 16:17:59
last reply: Ayaveen - 16.04.18 16:20:12
     Wrong quiz questions - if you think there is a mistake Number of posts: 4   |  Author: Ayaveen - 11.07.30 10:58:04
last reply: Ayaveen - 12.10.16 17:02:04
Reports: bugs, miss typing, players...
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