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   offline Offline   |   Last active day: 25.01.08.   |   Joined us: 11.03.13.   |   Top: 34.
ID  ID: 41666
  Turns: 3758420

hu en
Quizpoints  Quizpoints: 7
First places  First places: 54752
Bred horses  Bred horses: 15116
Breeding license  Breeding license: -
Race permit  Race permit: -
  • Stable level: 4
  • Pasture level: 4
  • Number of boxes: 600

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Deliora 's bloodlines:

Official! Aɲtɾᶏx Sleipnir Tenyészet Dominant: Sleipnir number of horses: 950 collected points: 137703 first places: 40726 Founded: 19.08.11 20:37:02
Official! Avonlea Oaks Stud Dominant: Trakehneni number of horses: 4821 collected points: 85204 first places: 20711 Founded: 18.05.21 21:16:51
Official! Høƙąløvi Dønƙey Stᶙd™ Dominant: Donkey number of horses: 1677 collected points: 15450 first places: 3793 Founded: 16.11.01 00:59:13
Official! ~Cross-country Andalusians MSF~ Dominant: Andalusian number of horses: 140 collected points: 0 first places: 0 Founded: 15.02.22 19:05:00
Official! Storied Diamond Andalúz Ménes Dominant: Andalusian number of horses: 737 collected points: 159 first places: 13 Founded: 14.08.20 11:23:17
Official! Glorious High Jumper Dominant: Andalusian number of horses: 550 collected points: 1755 first places: 191 Founded: 14.07.07 15:47:44
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