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    Stable - there are 377 horses on this farm [The player has 440 boxes. Free ones: 63]  

Salvatore Zakopane Ü1Lp1Mt1Hk1 709.491 (89)
Speed 1451.15 (52)
Gait 103.054 (1)
Teamwork 373.6 (50)
Discipline 0 (0)
Salvatore Zakopane Ü1...

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
American Thoroughbred
    turn 10.83 years old (gen: 165) ID ID: 1101872

          <3 Not at stud    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
Salvatore Incendiah 916.209 (45)
Speed 1437.1 (97)
Gait 103.302 (1)
Teamwork 515.839 (27)
Discipline 0 (0)
Salvatore Incendiah

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
American Thoroughbred
    turn 15.9 years old (gen: 108) ID ID: 1101877

          <3 The mare isn't pregnant    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
RFC Optimus 0 (0)
Speed 0.037 (1)
Gait 1000.49 (137)
Teamwork 2000 (527)
Discipline 2000 (525)
RFC Optimus

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
    turn 30.21 years old (gen: 239) ID ID: 1109373

          <3 This horse is a stud stallion (Price: 7000) [0/4]    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
Salvatore Phesmathos 2000 (77)
Speed 2000 (79)
Gait 155.783 (9)
Teamwork 634.695 (72)
Discipline 0 (0)
Salvatore Phesmathos

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
American Thoroughbred
    turn 30.92 years old (gen: 165) ID ID: 1101873

          <3 This horse is a stud stallion (Price: 8000) [3/4]    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
Salvatore Royal Coust ülpmhk 1 666.6 (472)
Speed 1467.19 (472)
Gait 320.7 (227)
Teamwork 202.876 (0)
Discipline 0 (0)
Salvatore Royal Coust ...

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
English thoroughbred
    turn 9.38 years old (gen: 738) ID ID: 1108266

          <3 Not at stud    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
P.R.E. Jacuma Da Broa Díjlov1. 0 (0)
Speed 0 (0)
Gait 677.449 (238)
Teamwork 1280.03 (475)
Discipline 2000 (475)
P.R.E. Jacuma Da Broa ...

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
    turn 20.04 years old (gen: 184) ID ID: 1162816

          <3 The mare isn't pregnant    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
Salvatore Leander 910.677 (97)
Speed 1724.7 (54)
Gait 111.527 (7)
Teamwork 517.024 (48)
Discipline 0 (0)
Salvatore Leander

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
American Thoroughbred
    turn 16.4 years old (gen: 165) ID ID: 1101871

          <3 The mare isn't pregnant    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
Salvatore Szikla 1000.66 (38)
Speed 0 (0)
Gait 0 (0)
Teamwork 2000 (74)
Discipline 2000 (74)
Salvatore Szikla

Tanulékonyság/Docility 95 pt
Hungarian coldblood
    turn 30.52 years old (gen: 157) ID ID: 1101934

          <3 This horse is a stud stallion (Price: 7000) [1/4]    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
Salvatore Dáma 975.311 (50)
Speed 0 (0)
Gait 25.1432 (4)
Teamwork 2000 (65)
Discipline 2000 (100)
Salvatore Dáma

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
Hungarian coldblood
    turn 30.96 years old (gen: 157) ID ID: 1101936

          <3 This horse is a stud stallion (Price: 7000) [0/4]    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
Salvatore Admirális üg.1. 769.986 (12)
Speed 1418.24 (14)
Gait 127.446 (2)
Teamwork 308.127 (3)
Discipline 111.4 (3)
Salvatore Admirális Ã...

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
Hungarian coldblood
    turn 11.15 years old (gen: 158) ID ID: 1101940

          <3 Not at stud    Zsz. This horse is not for sale

The selexted category has 377 horses.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38]

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