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    Stable - there are 286 horses on this farm [The player has 600 boxes. Free ones: 314]  

fr Szindróma /1084 554.144 (353)
Speed 554.144 (353)
Gait 476.002 (303)
Teamwork 0.5753 (1)
Discipline 115.135 (74)
fr Szindróma /1084

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
    turn 0 years old (gen: 181) ID ID: 1268121

          <3 The mare isn't pregnant    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
from Equinox 129.4 (113)
Speed 158.03 (138)
Gait 156.994 (135)
Teamwork 627.788 (547)
Discipline 627.788 (547)
from Equinox

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
Forest walker
    turn 0 years old (gen: 135) ID ID: 1263546

          <3 The mare isn't pregnant    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
【MF】Zwack⁰⁷ 666.6 (532)
Speed 267.6 (214)
Gait 2000 (530)
Teamwork 207.097 (1)
Discipline 1859 (27)

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
Fjord pony
    turn 28.63 years old (gen: 107) ID ID: 1263816

          <3 This horse is a stud stallion (Price: 7000) [0/4]    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
❱ Louie 1509.19 (142)
Speed 1501.64 (142)
Gait 1023.3 (311)
Teamwork 666.6 (566)
Discipline 300.4 (255)
❱ Louie

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
    turn 29.23 years old (gen: 207) ID ID: 1264078

          <3 This horse is a stud stallion (Price: 7000) [0/4]    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
Gen 4 A 100.7 (98)
Speed 33.5 (33)
Gait 500 (483)
Teamwork 666.6 (643)
Discipline 164.5 (159)
Gen 4 A

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
    turn 0 years old (gen: 208) ID ID: 1264083

          <3 The mare isn't pregnant    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
from Colorado rossz thp 640.216 (243)
Speed 640.216 (243)
Gait 130.905 (50)
Teamwork 256.624 (98)
Discipline 32.0396 (13)
from Colorado rossz th...

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
    turn 0 years old (gen: 209) ID ID: 1264139

          <3 The mare isn't pregnant    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
from Colorado 502.902 (384)
Speed 502.902 (384)
Gait 170.576 (130)
Teamwork 55.873 (43)
Discipline 467.746 (357)
from Colorado

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
    turn 0 years old (gen: 209) ID ID: 1264144

          <3 Not at stud    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
❱ Colorado 2000 (386)
Speed 2000 (384)
Gait 678.333 (262)
Teamwork 222.2 (171)
Discipline 100.1 (77)
❱ Colorado

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
    turn 29.19 years old (gen: 208) ID ID: 1264110

          <3 This horse is a stud stallion (Price: 7000) [0/4]    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
Gen 4 B 23.6074 (20)
Speed 479.723 (417)
Gait 128.489 (112)
Teamwork 451.628 (394)
Discipline 616.554 (537)
Gen 4 B

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
    turn 0 years old (gen: 208) ID ID: 1264112

          <3 Not at stud    Zsz. This horse is not for sale
from Colorado 666.6 (592)
Speed 666.6 (591)
Gait 226.1 (201)
Teamwork 74.06 (66)
Discipline 33.36 (30)
from Colorado

Tanulékonyság/Docility 100 pt
    turn 0 years old (gen: 209) ID ID: 1264145

          <3 The mare isn't pregnant    Zsz. This horse is not for sale

The selexted category has 286 horses.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29]

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